Monday, December 02, 2013

One of  my all time favorite artists Jesse Narens will be showing his work in 
Portland Oregon at Akasu, December 5th. 

His work is so free, filled with symbolic meaning, connections to nature. His symbolic creatures at times remind me of BC Aboriginal art mixed with a raw soulful street art vibe. I love, love his limited color palette and strong movement deep in each layer of his pieces. He brings me to imaginary places  I frequented often  growing up as a lonely child.
I have met Jesse in person and he is also a lovely soul. A very soft spoken gets the feeling he has walked this earth for a very long time.
Please check out his website for more information 

This piece below belongs to me!!!

1 comment: said...

how CRAZY, GROOVY and iNSPIRATIONAL! thank you for showing him!